How to Customize Dividers for Mobile and Dark Mode

You can customize the divider block for optimal display on mobile devices and in dark mode. These settings are made in the block settings under different themes. Dividers are an important separating element, so make sure they look good both on mobile devices and in the dark mode.

Divider Settings for the Mobile Theme

In the mobile version of the email, you can edit the padding of the divider and hide the block for display on mobile or desktop devices.

To do this, switch to the mobile version of the editor, click on the block, and edit the parameters in the right panel.

Adjust paddings or hide divider in mobile mode
Adjust paddings or hide divider in mobile mode

Divider Settings for the Dark Theme

In the dark version of the email, you can change the color of the divider itself, as well as the background color beneath it and the color of the background border. To change these parameters, switch to the dark version of the email, click on the divider block, and modify the colors in hex format in the right panel.

Adjust colors for divider in dark mode
Adjust colors for divider in dark mode
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